Brand Yourself as a Trendsetter

You can literally drive down the street in any town in America and see those successful businesses who became trendsetters in their niche. Some, like Starbucks, have even gone further and make it a culture of followers.

McDonald’s speedy food service reinvented the fast food market. Like those highly successful entrepreneurs who saw a vision and acted on it, you need to do the same in your online niche.

Looking into the future, making predictions and creating products based on your research and instinct into the future of the niche can boost your credibility and make you hot in your niche

But only if youíre willing to expose your ideas without hesitation, fail forward and take risks with your branding. Examine the needs and wants of your target audience. Itís important that you know what pleases your customers and what they long for in new products and ideas.

Keeping a close eye on what they’re saying in posts and blogs and what they’re offering on their sites can be a good way of getting the insight you need to look into the future. If they’re complaining a lot, take it and run with it be the solution they’ve been waiting for all along.

Decide on a trendsetting product. Based on your research and instincts, create a product which is unique and one based on your customers ambitions and interest. Try to have an ear to the ground and do something before everyone else jumps on that bandwagon.

Then, deliver it in a way that covers all bases. Podcasts, forums, blogs, paid advertisements and launches with JVs and affiliates are all great ways to get the word out.

Update your sites and products. If you’ve been offering the same old stuff in the same old ways for too long, your sales likely show it. Take an idea someone else is doing and turn it upside down. Do it different & better.

Respond to change. You may not see it coming, but when you realize the market is changing, change with it. Not responding to change will leave you in the dust and you may never catch up.

Your business is ever-changing and evolving and keeping up with the latest trends is part of the fun and excitement of keeping it all fresh. Don’t look at it as a chore. Welcome it as a change of pace to keep you excited about things.

Make a firm commitment to establish yourself in the niche and then set goals that will get you there. Rising to the top of your niche and becoming a trendsetter who can see the future and help others get there is an imperative step in becoming a true authority figure in your niche.

Develop the best product and best marketing strategies out there and continue to update as the trends dictate. It’s a never-ending process. As other marketers get bored, lazy, or sloppy you’ll be beating them hand over fist because you have that go getter attitude that makes you hungry for success!

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