We’re all pressed for time and energy at times and cutting corners on a product or content seems tempting. Just slap it up there and hope it flies. But that may be a move you eventually regret.
Your reputation is at stake here and one product disaster could ruin it for you. There are so many ways to damage your reputation if you’re not vigilant. After all, your product and your profile is on display 24/7 and you want it to influence others rather than turn them away in disgust.
Here are some ways you might choose to cut corners to the detriment of your online business:
1. Focus on yourself. You may think you don’t have time to promote others and yourself but you’re doing yourself a huge disservice if you don’t take the opportunity to mention, promote, join affiliates and connect with other marketers in any way you can.
Promoting others boosts your professional presence and adds to your followers. Some marketers try to get away with the me, me, me mentality but what happens is, those people promoting you realize you don’t reciprocate in any way, and they drop you drying up your income, fast.
2. Opt to create your own design. Some design elements might be easier done by yourself than others, but generally, DIY designs don’t work to create the best first impression.
When you’re designing a blog theme or website, it’s imperative that you present the best first impression possible. Don’t cut corners here. Can you get away with a sloppy DIY job? Maybe. But why would you want to put that out there to represent you?
3. Forgo originality. Everything about your product and your integrity should be unique and give your audience something they didn’t know or don’t have (and want). Your content, especially, should be your own.
You can hire ghostwriters or purchase PLR, but make interesting and unique. Everything out there should have some semblance of personality from you a style all your own.
4. Using untrue or irresponsible posts. The Internet may seem fleeting, but what you say or post is on there forever. So, it’s especially important that you take the time to verify information to make sure you always present the truth.
Unfortunately, you can’t erase what’s been posted. You may have heard the saying, your reputation precedes you. That’s certainly true when it comes to what you’re putting online.
We all want to cut corners and that can be done but with much caution. With social media and other ways to enhance your reputation, it’s a boon if done correctly and a disaster, if not.
Remember to take the time to cultivate a relationship with your audience and your fellow marketers. The time spent building relationships will be better spent in the long run than focusing on the greed that comes naturally for us as entrepreneurs.
It has to be stifled so that everything can be done with heart ethically, in a way that shows strength and leadership, not desperation and a lack of morals or professionalism in the niche.
Cutting corners can either reap great benefits for you or damage your reputation. Make sure that content, comments and products that you sign off on are representative of your values and business quality.
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