Creating a converting call to action is the most important thing you can do to get your audience to buy. It can make all the difference for your target audience and make them jump right off that fence and click buy right now with excitement, or make them click away, never to return. There are many aspects of the CTA that are important and we’re going to go over them. You can test each of these ideas via split testing to find out what works best for your audience.
What is Your CTA?
First, understand exactly what your call to action is. Your CTA is what you want them to do. If you want them to buy something, download something, join something, or comment doesn’t matter as much as that you understand from their perspective what your CTA means. Instead of “buy” you may want to use terms that resonate with them such as “Yes! I’m ready to stop being lazy and lose weight right now!”
What Do You Want Them to Do?
What is it that you want them to do? Many sellers do great writing all their sales copy but then when it comes down to the CTA they start thinking of themselves. They start thinking of money and of making money and it gets cloudy for them. But even the CTA needs to be from your target audience’s perspective. What are they going to get by clicking? Let that idea be your guide for how the text should read.
What’s Going to Happen When They Do It?
They need to know why they’re clicking it and what is going to happen when they do. Plus, the button needs to stand out and be designed in a way that looks attractive, noticeable, and it also needs to work. The color needs to be the right color that stands out, and it needs to be the right size and shape to accommodate the text that is on it.
Provide Directional Cues
Plus, a good CTA design will also provide directional cues for your audience’s eyes to follow so that they get and absorb the information that you’re providing to them. Use an image of a person looking at the text you want them to see. Even if it’s a picture of you pointing at what you want them to see and do that will work wonders.
When you think in terms of your audience as you create the text for the button, what they are going to get out of grabbing your product, freebie, or coming to your webinar and not the fact that you’re going to make money it will help. Plus coming up with the text first will help you design it visually around the text so that the text fits with the type of button you design, you’ll do a better job developing an actionable call to action text and not feel restrained due to the size of the button you chose before you knew the text.
If you want more information about crafting good CTAs I highly advise you to look at this Crafting Compelling CTAs PLR Bundle about just that. ( )
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