Are You Repurposing Your Content?

If you feel like you can’t keep up with content creation there is a possibility that you’re not making use of the content you already have by repurposing it. There is no reason to do all that research, work hard on an article, and then not use it again. Likewise, there is also no reason to use PLR (private label rights) content only once too. Let’s look at some of the ways you can repurpose your content.

Webinars – If you host a webinar you can get it transcribed and then the transcription can be used to create a variety of other types of content. If you can share it via audio only (meaning it doesn’t have a lot of need for visuals) you can make a podcast out of it. You can take the transcript and turn it into an eBook, blog posts, or a case study. You can even repurpose the webinar as is, by putting it on

Slideshows – If you created a slideshow for your webinar you can upload it to sharing sites like You can also use the slides as the basis for a book, blog, or article outline. Anything you create about a topic can be used again.

Images – Be sure to read the rules for your image purchases and downloads but most of the time you can use an image more than once. You can turn images that are inside a report into a meme with adding text overlay on it using online software like If you create a meme first, you can use it inside a report or a slideshow.

Infographics – Once you create an infographic you have lots of data that you can use for blog post ideas. Each point on your infographic can be a separate blog post or article. Combined it can become a book. You can also use the infographic as the basis for a webinar or video.

Articles – Anytime you write an article, or buy one such as with PLR content, you have a great opportunity to recreate it differently. If you have an article with 8 points, that can become a slide show. It can also become 8 blog posts, or 8 emails, or 8 videos covering each point in more detail.

Blog Posts – Your blog posts are all fodder for extra content if you think about it. A blog post can become an email, combine a lot of posts and they can become an eBook. Any blog post can be the basis of a YouTube video or webinar.

Podcasts – It might seem difficult to do anything with a podcast but you can. Have it transcribed, cleaned up and expanded and you’ll have plenty of material for many blog posts, case studies, and more.

Facebook Live – Once you do a FB live you can download it, put it as is on YouTube, and you can transcribe it to get it into text format to use in different ways such as articles, blog posts, eBooks, and reports.

Live Events – Anytime you have a live event if you get permission to video and record everyone there you can use that information and transform it into a new content format. You can even sell the recordings to the attendees or those who could not attend the live event.

If you give some thought to how you’ll use every piece of content that you create including how you’ll repurpose it, you’ll find that creating enough content for your audience is so much simpler than you thought. Proper reuse will go far in building trust, expanding your audience, and making more sales too.

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