Did you know that you can use this technology to build your list even if you have a podcast or other type of audio recording instead of a blog post? Although, you should also have a blog where you offer the downloads for your podcasts and audio recordings it’s important that you realize that you can also build your list using podcasts and audio recordings. And, it’s easy.
• Create an Opt-in Page – This is also a landing page, or squeeze page, it’s like a sales page for your freebie lead magnet. Make this page free of distractions, including only the information about the freebie, and the subscriber form so that they can sign up. It can be short since it’s a freebie, but it should have a good image, bullet points, and help build trust.
• Create a Short Link – Once your dedicated opt-in page is created you can create a special easy to remember link. If you get along link from your landing page software, you can use different types of software to make the link shorter such as tinyurl.com or via software like Yoast SEO. You can also create the landing page directly on your site with the URL of your choice.
• Mention Your Short Link – When you create the short link make sure it’s very easy to say and somewhat describes what’s the listener is going to get. That way you can mention the link several times throughout your show and listeners can remember it. Practice saying it before you create it, so you know it is indeed easy to say, spell, and remember.
• Add Links to Descriptions – Once you have the link to your freebie, it’s important to also add it to the description of your podcast or video. It depends on where it’s hosted as to where you can place the link. But the link is important so make sure you put it where you can.
• Add Links to Blog Post Postings – When you create your podcast or audio you can also add it to your blog in a post. Add the transcript and make the freebie link stand out and apparent in the blog post.
• Add Links to Show Notes – If you have show notes (and you should) anyplace also include the easy to remember and say link to your opt-in offer. Call it out specifically saying something within the content such as “Don’t forget to get your freebie Easy to Remember Name and Link Here”
When you give your audience more opportunity to grab your freebie you’ll build your list faster. People don’t act without a reason. Make them understand the reason. The opt-in is valuable, the opt-in solves problems, the reason the opt-in is important has to be more than it’s “free”, and it has to be because it adds value to the audience member’s life.
Because it’s really not totally free, you are asking for a valuable email address and permission to market to them via their private email. When they realize you respect that trust, they’re going to be more likely to sign up too.
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