When you create any type of content the next thing you need to do after publishing it, wherever you publish it, is to promote it. Content should be promoted just like any other product you’re proud to deliver to your audience. Thankfully today there are numerous ways to promote content online.
• Facebook Ads – When you publish a snippet of your newest content on Facebook you can now boost the post to get more eyes on it. However, the best way to do it is to make it into an advertisement instead of just boosting the post.
• Social Media Sharing – Be sure to add all the social sharing options you can on your posts and articles. Use a plugin like Better Tweet to Click (https://wordpress.org/plugins/better-click-to-tweet/) for example which helps you create call outs for your stats that anyone visiting can tweet out. Don’t just add it to your site, go and use the share buttons yourself too.
• Ask for Shares – When you share content ask your audience to also share. You can say “share this” or you can tell them why you want them to share it. You can also point out the easy ways to share the information with their audience. If you ask some people will say yes. If you never ask they may not do it.
• Via Email – Don’t forget when you publish new content to always create a short email to send to the appropriate segments of your email lists. You can schedule it right in or you can make it into a broadcast post depending on the evergreen quality of the content you’re sharing.
• Understand SEO – It’s amazing how good search engine optimization can help market your content too. If you pay attention to headlines, headers, and subheaders along with the words you use within the material that is published online it’ll make it a lot easier for search engines to find your content to share with your target audience.
• Use an Influencer – A fast track way to get attention is to pay an influencer to mention and share your content with their audience. This works great if you share the same audience but aren’t competitors. When using an influencer ensure that you set up landing pages just for them and make the influencer’s job easy.
• JV Partnerships – A really great way to get the word out about your content is to join others who offer complementary products and services to yours to the same or a very similar audience. You can work together sharing each other’s content using an affiliate link for example.
• Break it Up – Every article should provide 5 to 10 snippets that you can use for other types of content to share. They can be blurbs pointing out a stat or point within the content, or they can be short videos that you create from the content too. That will get a lot of people’s attention.
• Call Out Your Sources – Experts love being mentioned online so if you have used any in your content as sources not only should you call them out on social media tagging them (and thus getting their attention and their audience’s attention) you might want to also email them personally to let them know about the work.
• Repurpose It – Remember, every bit of content you create can be repurposed, redesigned, and updated to make it new, fresh, and different. The more you do this, while also sharing, the more who will see it.
• Internal Linking – When you create new content, look at your best performing older content. When you find something relevant, add a link to the new content under the older content so that these readers will see it.
• Syndicate Your Content – Another great way to promote your content is to use one of the syndication companies like Outbrain.com where you can pay per click in exchange for them pushing your content out to other outlets.
Any way that you can push your content out to more people to see, like, and share it the better results you’ll get from your content. Don’t just publish it and forget it. Publish it, repurpose it, and promote it. You can even use services and plugins to help you do some of this such as Meet Edgar and Warfareplugins.com.
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