As you’re learning about your audience, one thing to keep in mind is that it’s easy to overwhelm your audience with information if you’re not careful about the language you use. It’s important to bring them along and teach them the professional terms but to explain to them as you go and not to overdo it. Just because you know what SEO is, doesn’t mean your audience knows.
That’s why you want to spell it out, search engine optimization, the first time you talk about it and explain what it is each time you bring it up for those newbies to get a grasp on what you’re teaching them so that they don’t run away feeling completely out of place and overwhelmed.
It’s natural that you will feel excited about using niche-specific terms because you are passionate about your field. But, using too many terms in one webinar, or one blog post or one article can be not only boring but just too much information. Plus, search engines don’t really like that either as it can be seen as keywords stuffing. You want to ensure that your audience understands.
• Define Terms – This is a great way to help your audience understand. It can seem like an unnecessary thing. But if you’re writing about copywriting, for example, explain what that is. A lot of people think copywriting is any type of writing online but it’s not. There are big differences between blog writing and copywriting for a sales page.
• Poll Your Audience – Ask your audience questions when you explain a new concept. Ask them what they think about what you just talked about in your blog post. Ask them during your webinar, does that make sense? Do you have questions? That way you can be sure that everyone is on the same page.
• Verbally on Video – Whether you’re making a video, a Facebook Live, or hosting a webinar try to avoid using jargon and too many niche specific keywords without an explanation. It’s fine to teach, but it’s not fine to talk over your audience’s heads. Try not to overdo it so that they understand what they talk about.
• Keep Checking In – Whenever you can always keep checking in with your audience to find out if they understand what you’re talking about. Ask them to reply to your email messages to answer a question designed to help you know whether they understand or not.
The more you can converse with your audience the better. If you are having conversations you’re going to get more feedback. You don’t want communication to be only one way because it’ll be hard to know what your audience is thinking and feeling. By keeping communication two way on every platform that you use, you’ll be more likely to be able to tell whether you’re getting through to your audience or not. By tracking conversion rates you’ll also be able to tell if the words you’re using are persuasive enough to make a difference.
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