You’ve read about creating epic content and one way mentioned to make it easier was creating serial posts. Serial content is nothing new in the publishing world. Your hometown newspaper likely has serial content. Television shows use series to get more and more viewers by making them wonder what happens next. Even some commercials have gotten in on it so that you need to look up something to find the end of the story.
Creating series posts offer a few advantages such as allowing you to create epic long-form content, in short, spirts rather than having to wait until you’re done to publish it all. Plus, it gives your readers a reason to come back to your blog so they can read the rest of the story. In addition, serial blog posts are a great way to improve your branding as you’ll find that it’s easier to come up with content that you write in your voice since the series itself will be more in-depth than a single blog post.
Also, let’s not forget how important a series can be to SEO. It provides excellent internal linking options, plus excellent repurposing options. This means that a serial post will be great for improving traffic to your site. Since it’s a series it’s all on the same overall topic which makes it much easier to create.
Here are some tips for easy content creation with serial posts:
• Make it Evergreen – Don’t spend time making a serial post for content limited by time. If the content will be good for at least a year depending upon your niche, then it’s good to create a post series on.
• Break it Down – When you come up with the evergreen topic, now you want to break it up into sections for the series. That way you don’t have to write very long posts for each post but can break it down into good sections that make sense. Each post should be complete and standalone but when connected with the next in the series make a difference.
• Outline Each Post – Always make an outline for each post so that you don’t repeat things from other posts. Each post needs to stand alone, but it also needs to tie in with the others in the series in a seamless way.
• Leave Breadcrumbs – When you post the series let them know what they’ve read before, and what they’ll read after in both words and links. Once you’re totally done with the series you can add in the links to each part of the series within each individual blog post.
• Set a Schedule – When you decide to do a series you want each part of the series working for you before posting the next. You don’t need to write it all before you start publishing. Instead, create a schedule you know you can stick to. Are you going to post weekly to the series or monthly? Let the reader know and do your best to stick to it or your readers will lose interest. Hint: Get them on a list to be reminded when the next post in the series is delivered.
Creating a series is going to be a very fast and easy way for you to create a lot of content for your website because you’re breaking everything down into bite-sized pieces. Plus, once you’re done with the series it can be republished in any number of ways to make it epic content for your audience that will expand your brand and turn you into the expert go-to person for your niche that you want to be.
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