Does Wealthy Affiliate Work

Is Wealthy Affiliate A Scam

wealthy affiliate

Does Wealthy Affiliate Work

So about two weeks ago I found this site Wealthy Affiliate as I was looking for a site that could really teach me how to setup a site and show me how to make money. At first I asked myself  is this just another scam like all the other sites I have tried over the years, but as I read over the site I could see it’s not really a affiliate program at all its more of a school that teaches you how to build your own website, how to find your niche, how to look up keywords and other stuff I have not gotten to yet. Here is an example of the training they give Build Your Own Website.

What’s On The Inside

So after reading about all what they had to offer and searching other peoples thought’s on google about Wealthy Affiliate, I decided to signup and form my opinion about it. So the first thing I noticed is the community and all of the questions people asked and how the community help answers all the questions and they also helped push people along when they felt things may be going slower than they thought. I have never seen this in any other program. I thought this was great. They have live video training, video walkthroughs, affiliate Bootcamp and they offer you 2 free websites. They have a starter account (free) and a premium account ($47 per month) but what I love is the fact that you could start earning money with a starter account without paying a dime to start but you will soon see once you go through the training you will want to sign up for access to more great training.

 So Is Wealthy Affiliate A Scam

No, it’s not a scam, as a matter of fact, most programs you find online are not scams but they are a little miss leading saying things like make 1000 in a week or make 100,000 in the next six months and that another thing I noticed about Wealthy Affiliate they don’t feed you a lot of hype and B.S they just have great training and a great community to help you with your goals of building your site for whatever niche you choose to work with.

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