No matter what type of content you share with your audience and customers it’s imperative that you also test everything and keep your ears open and your eyes peeled for issues, confusion, and problems. You don’t want your audience to feel as if you’re talking down to them, but you also don’t want them to feel as if you’re talking over their head.
• Provide a Help Desk – This may not be something you need immediately but it doesn’t cost much to add a simple help desk to your website for questions. Cloud-based software like freshdesk.com is inexpensive and simple to use.
• Provide Live Chat Support – Another way to provide support is via some form of live chat capability. Livehelpnow.net is a great solution for a live chat. It’s not expensive and it can be installed easily. This is a great way to provide fast support when you want to be live during the most visits to your site.
• Answer Emails Quickly – Open up all email marketing messages to replies. Stop using any type of no-reply email addresses. Not only that, ask your subscribers and customers to reply, to ask questions, and to communicate with you about problems, successes, and any questions they have. If you don’t ask they may not realize they can hit reply and ask you something.
• Provide Forms for Feedback – Another way to ensure that you get feedback is to use a form and ask for feedback. You can add them right to the end of your blog posts and articles. Forms like Ultimate Form Builder and others can help you automate this process. Be sure to ask them to fill out the form.
• Ask for Comments on Discussions – When you open up comments to for any type of discussion whether on a forum, a blog post, in a Facebook Group always ask for comments when you start any type of discussion. An easy question at the end of anything you post is “Do you agree, or disagree, why?” That way you are giving them permission to disagree as well as agree then they can expand on that with why.
• Send a Poll to Your Users – You can send polls via email and via social media. You can use something like surveymonkey.com or you can use native polling solutions such as what comes with Facebook. Keep your polls simple and to the point with few questions to get more participation.
• Look at Blog Post Comments – Don’t forget that when you post a blog, promote the blog, and start getting readers on the blog you’ll likely get comments. Of course, you’ll be more likely to get comments if you ask for them. Always end your blog post with a question that can be answered in the comments, or a call to action to make a purchase, or download a freebie.
When you get negative feedback, try not to take it personally. Instead look for the points that you can fix and change to make your content and products better for your audience. After all, you are there for your audience, not the other way around. Your job is to provide for the information in a way that they can digest, understand, and use. The only way to ensure you’re doing that is to ask for feedback, listen to the feedback, and use the feedback to improve everything.
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