Once you create epic content it’s important to keep it up-to-date. Depending on your niche this may require rewriting within the quarter or it might be if a few years. It just depends on your topic on how often you’ll need to update it. But, know that every single time you update it, that’s a great time to promote it. Otherwise, you can keep promoting your epic content periodically endlessly.
• SEO – What’s true today about SEO may not be true tomorrow. As search engines seek to give the best user experience to their audience it may require changes from you. The best time to conduct these changes are the minute you find out about them. When you do make the changes take that opportunity to share the epic content with your readers again just like you would any new content.
• Images – As the internet becomes more advanced it becomes easier to create more amazing images for your content. When you can go through your content and update it with brand new optimized images it’s going to make the content much better. Perhaps you’ve since created a better chart demonstrating the points you’ve made in the epic content, then you can add that to the content to make it even better.
• Keywords – Have you learned about more effective keywords since you published your epic content? If so read through the content to figure out where you can add the keywords that you want. Perhaps you can improve subheaders with better keywords that get more looks and attention.
• Affiliate Links – Over time you’re likely going to find better products or services than ones you may have recommended in the past. It’s perfectly fine to edit your epic content to include the affiliate links to what you use today even if you wrote it about something else. Just change it up to describe the new products you’re using now instead of the old ones.
• Repurpose – All long-form content which your epic content is included can be broken down and repurposed. When you do that though, always link back to the epic content so that you can show where you got the information from.
• Optimize for Sharing – Go through the epic content locating ways that you can add in social sharing opportunities. Pull out quotes and add a Tweet function so that your audience can Tweet it out easily.
• Schedule Repromotion – When you repromoted your content it will double your views and boost your conversions exponentially. But, if you really want to do it right, go ahead and schedule re promotion from the beginning. Set the intention by putting it into your schedule.
• Email – Don’t forget that you can repromote content via email too. Set up an email in your autoresponder to automatically reintroduce your audience to the epic content you’ve created on a regular basis. It’s a great way to get people back to your blog and website.
Updating and promoting epic content is a great way to handle getting the most out of all your long form content. Once you create epic content it can be shared the day it’s published but it can also be shared for years down the line if you take the time to keep it updated, unique, and useful to your audience.
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